You must have found yourself in this situation. The regret and the frustration keep on mounting until you are able to find the time to go back to your old house and collect that particular item. It can be anything. It can be your important medical documents, your ID, insurance papers, medicines, or spare keys. The worst part is that you cannot live without them. Even if you hire the best removals in Brisbane, you will be the one to go back and get them. But the good part is that there is always a list out there that you can refer to when you feel that you might be forgetting something. This is one of those lists. Let’s help you remember what you might be forgetting as you move out of your old house:
1. House Plants

Your house plants are like your family members. Don’t forget them in your excitement about moving to a big city. It is better to trim them right before your move and pack them up nicely, maintaining proper airflow throughout the transit. It is better to send them off to your new home in a small truck or probably your neighbor’s car. If you can do this, you can easily prevent them from drying up.
2. Your Beautiful Dresses At The Dry Cleaner
This is one of those items that a lot of people forget. Long-distance moves tend to become very complicated if you forget any of your important clothing items at the local dry cleaner. Go through your laundry lists and all your invoices or just give your drycleaners a call and make sure that they don’t have any of your clothing or apparel with them.
3. Important Documents
Your important documents could include your house papers, rental agreements, mortgage documents, vehicle registration, birth certificates, marriage certificates, driving licenses, tax receipts, bank payments, degrees, diplomas, and so much more. Make sure that none of these crucial documents are left behind. Remember to prepare a bright-colored binder for these documents so that you remember to pick them up as you move out on the final day.
4. Your Toolbox
You are going to need your toolbox practically every day for at least 2 weeks after you have moved into your new home. It contains your hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, nails, adhesives, doorknobs, extra screws, handles, panels, metal bars, grips, hinges, wrench, wires, and a lot of other stuff as well. Your toolbox is something that you cannot live without. Did you forget your drill machine too? Yes, this happens to a lot of homeowners. Make sure to scribble down your toolbox on your list before you move out of your old house.
5. Plan For Your Pets

It is never too late to plan for your pets when you are carrying out removalists in Brisbane yourself. All you have to do is make them comfortable with the entire move. Ask your vet about any medication that can calm them down a little bit as you begin packing and moving.
6. Lighting Equipment
You are going to need extra lamps and lighting equipment as well. If there happens to be a power cut or if for any reason, you are not able to get enough light, these lighting equipment pieces will help you out. You could feel the need for an additional light fixture in your new home. But chances are that you cannot get an electrician at the last moment so yes these extra lamps and lighting equipment will prove to be very useful.
7. Medicines And Other Essentials

How can you forget your medicines and other essentials? The most practical thing here that even furniture removalists suggest is to prepare a separate box for all these items and label them correctly. Make sure to keep it in your vehicle first thing in the morning rather than in any of the trucks or vans that will follow you. Create a list of all the items that are going to go into this medicine box. Make sure that you have all of them with you including any extra medication that you might need on the way.
8. Instant Meals

Once you have set the process of furniture removal from your Brisbane house in motion, you will also have to buy a few instant meal packets for a few days. This is because preparing meals at home is not going to be that easy when you have moved into a new house. Locate a grocery store close to your new place and make sure to pay it a visit as you go have a look around your neighborhood. Also, grab a box of disposable utensils on your way back.
9. Spare Keys
Your spare keys must be lying around at different locations across your old house. Get them right away. You don’t want the new owners/tenants to hire a locksmith to pry open the front door. Get a hold of all your spare keys and hand them over to the landlord or perhaps the new property owner who is going to move in after you leave.
10. Chargers And Cables

Your mobile chargers, power banks, charging cables of your smartphones and your power bricks are an essential part of your life. You can never forget them in your old home. If there is a mini office setup that you want to transfer to your new home, make sure to click a picture of the entire wire connection at the back. Only then it is advised to dismantle and remove all these connections. Once you get into your new house, refer to those pictures to set up the connections again.
11. Sanitary Items
Sanitary items are also a big addition to your travel bag. Grab a few extra toilet rolls, a plunger, sanitizer, hand soap, face wash, sunscreen, detergent, cleaning solution, and a scrubber as well.
12. Gardening Tools

You might have to struggle a bit in your new garden area to make room for a few tables or chairs that you are carrying with you. If there is a branch or a twig that has overgrown and interferes with your new kitchen window, your garden tools are going to help you trim the extra length.
Final Thoughts
There is a lot that goes into moving from your old house to your new home. It is quite natural that you might forget a lot of the things that you have already jotted down on your list. This blog was just to jog your memory a little.
Want to book our moving service in Brisbane? You can call us at 1300 585 828.