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Avoid These Common Moving Mistakes at Relocation Time

Be it moving locally, across states or to another country, relocation always comes with its own share of hurdles and difficulties. A lot can go wrong during the relocation given the kind of multi-tasking you have to do.
It is best to hire removalists to help in moving your home. But if you are planning to do everything on your own, here are some of the common mistakes that you can avoid and save your time and energy.

Packing Every Single Thing You Own

packing everything

It is understandable that you don’t want to part with that old jacket from your teenage days that doesn’t fit you now and probably never will. But it is important to cut down all the unnecessary clutter for which you are spending your time in packing.

Before you start the actual packing, it is important to do a complete purge. TAKE a box with you and raid every single cupboard in your home. Put all those things you never used or will never want in your new place in it. Some even create a ground rule of throwing away things that haven’t been used in five years or anything that is under a $100. It is your own rules to make up to reduce the amount of stuff you will carry to your new home.

This will greatly reduce the number of boxes and you can also save yourself from the extra hours of packing.

Underestimating Your Packing Materials


Generally, to pack all your stuff, you may get the boxes from the supermarket and from hardware stores. While getting these boxes and the other packing supplies like bubble wraps, packing tapes, wrapping paper, etc, it is always best to buy some extra than you have estimated. There will always be some extra items that need to be packed at the last minute lying hidden under the bed. Or, you may have calculated the quantity wrong.

Getting extra packing supplies will cost you a few bucks but it will greatly help you when you are in the middle of packing and have suddenly run out of packing tape or bubble wraps.

Not Labelling The Boxes Right

When you pack, you may be concentrated only on getting the work done soon now. It is also important to consider the amount of work you will have when you reach the new place – all the cleaning and unpacking.

To save you some time and simplify your unpacking work, it is important to label the boxes right and clear. Mention the items present in the box so that you can easily access them among the huge stacks of boxes in your new home. Also, mention the room it was taken from. Some write these details on the box itself while some go for color coding. You can choose whatever is the easiest for you.

While writing on the boxes, write it in huge capital letters with permanent markers so that they can clear and legible even when you access it after a week.

Watch this video to know the right ways to label your boxes:

Incorrect Loading Methods

This is one of the main concerns when you handle the relocation on your own. Moving your things to the vehicle for transportation is one important part where you need to be extra careful. If you are not lifting the boxes in the right way or if you are doing too lifting, then there are chances that you might get sprains, cramps or sometimes worse, bleeding injuries due to accidents.

You can get some equipment that the house movers use for lifting and carrying the heavy objects which will ease your load. But be careful while using this equipment as improper usage of these will again lead to physical harm.

To avoid all such issues that come with handling the entire relocation on your own, you can hire professional removalists. CBD Movers Brisbane are one of the best moving companies in Brisbane who can move your home and office both locally and interstate.

You can hire specialist removalists for packing and moving only heavy objects like furniture and appliances. These removalists from Brisbane are known to be one of the most experienced furniture movers, Brisbane and you can contact now for your relocation.

Check our other blogs on moving:

Reliable Furniture Removalists of Brisbane 

How Much Time Removalists Take To Pack And Unpack House

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